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As a Feminine-Essenced Being, you are coded and built for DEVOTION.


Devotion to SELF and the Feminine…

Devotion to Men and the Masculine…

Devotion to LIFE itself. 

But truly touching the high-heart frequency of devotion can feel both scary and out of reach… and as with so much of the Feminine journey, this path is paved only by the light of the moon.

And yet, there is a throbbing criatura inside of you… who aches and longs and crashes against your pride and ego… silently driving you into deeper remembrance of your heart's TRUE home.

In the stillness of your heart
you know that if you don’t find your way
onto the path of this sacred awakening,
into the fullness of your WOMAN,

this Feminine creature
who lives inside of you

and when the Feminine withers,
the whole world withers.
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You are woman. 

You came here for this.


THIS hunger for Devotional Love….

THIS remembrance of your Deep Feminine… 


is your invitation to unlock the ancient truth of your

Feminine Devotion and Eros…


in Life… and in Love. 

All For Love Summer School is for you if…

Your soul is aching for Remembrance and you are courageously following the moon-shadowed path of a Feminine awakening journey.

You desire to understand yourself as a Feminine woman in a way you never have before and fully embody your Feminine Creational Potency and Radiance (this alone is life-changing).

You desire to consciously create yourself, your life, and your relationships as masterpieces from the deepest alchemical chambers of your Feminine heart. 

You deeply long to trust your inner knowing about how to easefully respect and delight him… 
in ways that FEEL LUSCIOUS to you. (Honeypot magic for real real….)


You are ready to learn how to masterfully embody and more deeply descend into Feminine polarity with the Masculine, 

whether you have been married for 30 years… 

you have never been married… 

you are between relationships and desiring new love… 

or perhaps you tremble jusssst dipping your toes back into the 'dating world'. 


You are welcome here.

I feel so thankful I said yes and dove in deep several months ago... I get to swim in the most deliciously creational field generated by the amazing Gillian Pothier. Gillian models being in one's Eros and teaches through archetypes, mythos, vulnerability, and personal stories. It's a magical space and it has magnetized the most conscious and Eros-driven women to gather there. Thank you Source for placing me on this path.
-Julie Ayla

Your heart aches from living outside of your True Feminine Essence…

In quiet moments with yourself, you feel unmet and confused by men and masculine nature. 


You don’t feel truly seen and deeply loved. 


You feel unreceived and are unsure how to skillfully invite him to meet you in your desire and vulnerability.


You’re becoming a bit hardened… or worse, one of the sorrowful women who have lost Faith in men (whether you are married or single) and this scares you. 


You have fallen out of touch with your own Eros… with what feels good to the ‘soft animal of your own body’.

You chronically dismiss and suppress your need for slowwwness, succulence, devotion dripping with #lovecodes ~ foremost for yourself.

You have nearly given up… and try to make peace with your loneliness (even if you are married)... or are weary with resentment toward men.


You’ve lost trust and respect for the men of our world. 


You find yourself blaming them and their lack of ‘doing the work’ for your reactive cycles of drama and despair.


Every time you feel disdain, disrespect, or hear your internal voice belittling men, another petal of your femininity and softness falls to the ground…

You’ve read the books and listened to the (mostly male) experts, and yet truly inhabiting your Feminine Eros and Devotional Heart has somehow felt out of reach for you.

“​​Its Ego or Eros…
and you can only choose one.”

Yet deep down, not only do you desire men – you know you need them in order to experience the fullness of your own nature – and the Great Love you so deeply desire in this lifetime. 

You feel trapped inside a cage of your own invulnerability and impenetrability… unsure how to free yourself and find your way back to your softness. 


Your body longs to truly open and let go of the resentment and mistrust for men and the Masculine that you have been holding on to for so long….all the way from crown to root….from consciousness to womb. 


You have a taste for deep, mystical Eros…being deeply fucked open to God…and are ready to blossom open your intimacy to a deeper, hotter, Eros-drenched connection. 


Though your many attempts at succulent devotional love have been met with disappointment and heartbreak, you’re not yet willing to ignore the hunger of your WOMAN.

“The deepest experience of the creator is Feminine,
for it is the experience of receiving and bearing.”
– Rainer Maria Rilke

Your deepest desire
is to be received in your love…
and to live as LOVE…

You long to be deeply met by men and the Masculine sexually, emotionally… even financially… and let yourself melt into his heart and strong arms.


You crave a fulfilling, joyful, and sexy relationship where you are deliciously led by his potent and penetrative leadership, yet also organically drop into frequencies of such sweetness and play together. (I love this energetic range so much…I truly wish this for all women.)

You will go to the ends of the earth to “find” and co-create this Great Love.


You feel weary, and so tenderly long to rest your sweet self in the dome of provision and protection of a Masculine man… to be safe, body and soul.

You miss that part of you that can only truly blossom open when in the field of love of a man who adores you. 


You long to feel luscious and opened in your own body, organically emanating to Him… and to the world… the Feminine frequency that is your uniquely-essenced allure, radiance, and magnetism.

Though you tell yourself you’re “fine”, you secretly hunger to be ravished by his primal beast, who knows just what to do with your inner, eternal sacred whore… and be exquisitely cherished by his King, who knows just how to handle that tender, throbbing heart of yours.

You have been blessedly stung with the longing for Devotional Love.


More powerful than your “story” or need to be “right” is your longing for an Eros-drenched life. 


It’s an ache that no matter how much you try to diminish or rationalize, it will not let you go…

…until you experience the spiritual and erotic fullness of your awakening WOMAN.


Nobody Taught You…

And the women that were meant to teach you… COULDN’T.


It’s not your fault.


We are the generation of – and the daughters of – the Lost (and so often, traumatized....) Feminine.

Our mothers (and their mothers and grandmothers) often carried deep unmetabolized grief and trauma around men and the Masculine.


There was no whole, embodied Feminine imago for us to entrain to as little girls.


As women, we've been living in a world and in a way – psychically, physically, energetically – that literally forces a separation from the truth of OUR OWN NATURE.


(Interesting fact: The entire ‘topside’ world of the Western hemisphere is codified towards normative male physical standards and metrics - from the height of chairs, tables, and kitchen cabinets to the girth of steering wheels…even pharmaceutical medicines…all engineered for male standards and male bodies.)


Add to this the harmful footprint upon our planet (and sometimes, upon our bodies) of the distorted Masculine. 


Add to this the injections of main-stream news into the collective about the ‘unavailable man', and the “unexamined brutality of the American male libido”.


And the fact that 13 million women raised their hands in #metoo?

This entire narrative lives inside our Feminine systems…our psyche…and our sex. 


All of this was unconsciously siphoned into our little girl bodies.

(I have never met a woman in this lifetime who did not somehow bear the effects of ancestral/epigenetic trauma from the Mother Line within her blood.)


Understandably, we have compensated and contorted… and so often, have unconsciously migrated to our Masculine channel in order to energetically compensate… and sometimes, very literally: to SURVIVE. 

This ‘yang’ or Masculine channel within you has been over-functioning for a long, long time. 


It may have been the only way you knew how to keep yourself safe



Many women have accepted this responsibility...

Numerous teachers and guides have courageously risen up to lead women on various paths of liberation, healing, and empowerment… 


…but so often these teachings are inadvertently diluted ~ or a distorted embodiment of the full-spectrum Feminine is woven through their field.


Having no North Star of the True Feminine to guide them, these teachings often miss vital, life-affirming and primordial aspects of the Feminine –

and her relationship to the primoridal Masculine.

“Unless and until you exalt the Masculine, 
you will never be able to birth the fullness of your Shakti."
– Erica Jade 

Without the full exaltation of the Masculine, you (counter-intuitively) will never unfurl into the FULL BEAUTY and POWER of your ORGANIC FEMININE EXPRESSION.


Here are some of the most common paths I see women walking down that will not lead them to Feminine Creational Potency, Eros, or Devotion: 


Empowered ‘Boss-Babe’ Feminism primarily teaches women how to activate and strengthen their inner Masculine – not how to open and deepen into Feminine Devotion. 


I teach from a Jungian Archetypal lens where the human psyche has both an inner Masculine and inner Feminine aspect (which Carl Jung called the Animus and Anima) that when brought into consciousness, serve to bring us into Wholeness.

Pleasure Paths in right alignment, bring women deep into their body and sensuality through de-armoring practices that open our capacity to be more deeply penetrated by the Masculine – and by Life itself. 


However, many Pleasure Paths are also infused with an unconsciously arrogant relationship to men and the Masculine and are coded with the distorted, hidden belief of “I don’t need a man”. This death knell of a belief inside of a woman – no matter how sexy her Instagram feed – sadly displaces the transformational potency of an actual Masculine man with crystal wands and money.

The Future is Female / Matriarchal Path holds principles such as "The Era of Men is over. It is now time for women to lead.”... and ‘The Masculine is in service to the Feminine’... and that women are Radiant Flowers and the Masculine is diminished to being merely the pot that holds said flower.

Let me be very clear here: there is a rightness in this recognition of Masculine containment and service… but it's all too frequently transmitted from a very low level of respect, honor, and exaltation of the true co-creational nature of the Masculine. 


As a point of contrast and illumination: through my lens, the more rightfully honoring frame in this “Feminine flower: Masculine pot” analogy would see and rejoice in the Masculine as the ”God Seed’… the life-giving Sun… the Mystical Gardener… rightfully placing the Masculine in his true exalted co-creational position (which p.s. actually feels amazing to the purified Feminine system.)


Explicit Submissive-Dominant Paths contain deeply gorgeous energetics. 

I have played in these realms, taught aspects of Eros through this lens, and learned so much from this lineage.

And yet …

Many men and women on this path get stuck in the overly codified dynamics of this space. You are not a ‘sub’ and he is not a ‘Dom’. Sovereign submission is a natural quality of the Feminine and benevolent Dominance is an organic quality of the Masculine — but in my lens, over-identifying with these Dom/sub aspects can stunt awakening and the flourishing of True Love. 




Polarity Paths Led by Men (with No Potent Feminine Counterparts….or no Feminine Counterparts at all!) are problematic for me. 


Yes… of course, men can describe and teach polarity and share how men perceive and receive women in different energetic states. 


But without the lived experience of being a WOMAN… they inadvertently describe the inner-world space of women in ways that often lead her to distort her own Feminine gnosis. 


Many of the women I work with have journeyed down these various paths in search of their sacred awakening into the fullness of their woman… only to experience distress in their limbic system, distortion in their psyche, and disarray in their relationships with men, with themselves, and with God.

This is why journeying down many of the most ‘popular’ paths of 'Feminine Empowerment' will leave women who crave a highly polarized relationship saturated in erotic, devotional love feeling incomplete or struggling inside of Frankensteined, rule-based relationship approaches.

Leave Your Disappointment by the Edge of the River...

A woman’s true desire is a mystical act of service to the world. 
Said differently: Your Desire Is Creational.


If in your heart of hearts you desire a devotional, spiritual love know that this is not a delusional fairy tale…


It is part of your Feminine Dharma in this lifetime.


And whether you are partnered or not, it requires you to re-templatize some of the internal architecture of the independent, strong woman — “the boss babe”, the Pleasure Queen… even the ‘Feminine Leader’ (gasp!). 


It requires you to meet, embrace, and be in approval of this quivering Feminine creature who dwells inside of you… 


She is the one who recognizes that in order for you to live the fullest, most swollen-open Feminine expression of your Love within this lifetime…


You must devote your love to a man who can receive YOU in YOUR FULLNESS… who can receive all your love ~ as a gift to you


This vehicle of Feminine awakening is not for all women. 

This is a highly rarified, succulent, moonlit Feminine path that will lead you through the brambled hinterlands of ego and conditioning… to deep, euphoric, erotic fulfillment and soul-quenching contentment.


This journey of Devotional Love and Spiritual Repair with men and the Masculine is taught by brilliant Feminine Women who (lovingly… but firmly) descend you into your own places of stuckness and density and then (lovingly… but firmly) guide and teach you how to forgive and love your precious self. 


It is only from this place of ‘purification’ and SELF-LOVE that we turn towards the Masculine… and build a new internal architecture of respect, honor and exaltation of Him – in ways that feel amazing to you, body and soul.

(I promise.) 


All For Love is the living embodiment of permission for your desire for Devotional Love. 


It's like a Ladies-only Gospel church + a little dash of Reform School +  some angel glitter from the sweetest-ever sleep-over party… all in the incognito form of ‘A Course On The Internet’.  

“Gillian is a true genius in this field. Her space holding, teachings, and transmission of the possibility of Feminine power are masterful.”
– Nicole

Gillian’s Story

I know what it feels like to be drunk on my own story and wounding – so that every man standing before me was paying my (very expensive) “Daddy Bill”.

I know the place in me that would whisper to my inner little girl, “just one more day, just one more day, I promise...” as I stepped into the skyscraper offices of my fancy job as a producer, abandoning my own Feminine body and soul in the name of ‘having to survive.’


I know the part of me that was not in approval of my own desire to be led, taught, and guided by a brilliant Masculine man (for good reason… it's annihilating to the ego)… so I compensated with arrogance, resistance, and egoic rightness to avoid feeling the depth of that desire.


I even had a secret unconscious back-up plan: only fall in love with ‘great guys’ who could not drive me into the depths of that desire… men that I could secretly… with my perfected lip-glossed angelic smile… CONTROL. (...the erotic kiss of death, ladies.) 


My relationships with men looked good… high-functioning, ‘high-value’, solid chemistry… BUT… my resistance was bigger than their capacity to truly open me. 
Slowly… relentlessly, a dulling half-heartedness began to poison me. 


My radiance and Eros began to calcify. 


I began to project my unhappiness onto my partner and onto men at large. 


I destroyed deeply loving relationships. 


I placed stunning designer engagement rings back in the opened palms of two different men, only to have the Doorman rejoicingly refer to me as 
“Mrs. HisLastName” as I staggered out of the elevator of the Penthouse Suite, littered with hundreds of artisanal red roses to celebrate our upcoming marriage. 


I could feel myself slowly becoming hardened, ‘jaded’ and over-functioning in my independence to avoid truly needing a man. 

Not only was I hurting…I was injuring the hearts of beautiful men as a result. 


And so…


I resigned from my fancy Executive Producer job. 

I went to graduate school to study Jungian Psychology. 

I learned the language of Dreams… and ‘watched’ with profound amazement as my own dreams reflected to me the arc of my journey of healing my relationship to the Feminine and the Masculine. 


Every time I thought I had a timeline and a plan, God would send a cosmic bolt of lightning to shatter my egoic gripping. 


I went to retreats all over the world and sat at the feet of Gurus in India, esteemed therapists, Shamans, and Relationship teachers. 

I apologized, cried, threw up, prayed, orgasmed, miscarried, begged, ached and I dreamt… and I dreamt… 

…and slowly, slowly, my dreams guided me back home to ME and the truth of my own Feminine heart and my own Feminine Love.

This isn’t a fairy tale that has a pink bow on it.  
If you need a Teacher of the Feminine to be married in order to receive the wisdom and gnosis of her journey of Feminine awakening, this is (currently) not me. 


If you need a Teacher of the Feminine that is a biological mother in this lifetime, this is likely not me. 


(I have been these women for thousands of lifetimes… but it may be that these emanations of the Feminine are not in the Highest service of my Soul in this lifetime. I share this so you may make the choices that are rightful for you and in the Highest Service of your Soul.) 


I will share that I am rapturously in euphoric devotional love with a Great (and profoundly) Masculine Man, some of which I have written about in rather sexy, splashy essays on the internet over these last few years… and it is our love that codes the deeper harmonics of my teachings. 


Our relationship teaches me how to be more masterful in my devotion… and per organic law: the deeper my devotion, the higher my ecstasy.


This energetic is not unique to me; this is the nature of the exquisitely polarized love I live and that I teach. 


However, if you feel called to learn from a Teacher of the Feminine who stands in unapologetic expression of her organic and her reclaimed Feminine quintessence in its devotion to the Masculine – the Supreme God Seed that co-creates ALL LIFE – then my codes and my mastery may be an aligned transmission for you.


The Path of Devotion

All For Love is not a conventional ‘relationship course’. 


It is a potent, yet gentle and loving Heroine’s Journey into Spiritual Repair with Mortal Men and the Cosmic Masculine. 


I teach women how to courageously and exquisitely respect, honor, and love imperfect Mortal Men and the Cosmic Masculine.


I do so because I believe that Devotional Love is one of the deepest primordial access points to a women’s journey of awakening into Love AS LOVE. 

My deepest WHY I do this work is for the families… for the precious little boy bodies and the sweet little girl bodies that might just have a shot in the dark to grow up in inside a tender, playful, erotic Love between a Man who deeply and organically adores and cherishes his Wife and a Woman who deeply and organically respects and venerates her Husband. 

This is an Ancient-Future Love that will change the world…

One Woman, One Man, and One Sweet Child at a time.

My work is often very misunderstood. In some ways, it is heretical and deeply disruptive. I have had to hold great controversy and be willing to have my work and my expression be publicly contorted and misrepresented.


None of that matters to me when I see the impact that this Spiritual Journey has upon the hearts of women, men, and their families. 

This will always be my testimony and my highest service of Love to our planet.

What the Ladies are saying:

Here’s what a few of the (121!) women in All For Love have shared and experienced:

It is starting to feel very strange, and not pleasant, when I go into my warrior entitled mode. It feels like such a waste of time and connection. My entire family system is more peaceful, more happy. I had no idea that Gillian’s process would have such far reaching effects!

– Lucy

Prior to All For Love, one “little” conversation, infused with my pridefulness and unwillingness to surrender, would have created a rupture in connection that would have taken DAYS to repair. Instead, it took SECONDS as SOON as I saw that I was resisting his leadership. We were both blown away by the power of my words to MELT the energetic wall between us and quickly restore respect and trust: “I’m so sorry. I’ll do what you’ve asked. I trust you.”

– Nicole

I don't know the words to express what it's like to be in a community of women who are both mirroring back to me and discovering their own pieces of identification with the anguish, the self-forgiveness, and respect for the Masculine. It's deeply healing, but it's also deeply joyful. Truly joyful.

– Lily

Before this work I was in my little girl, in my mother figure, but never in my adult mature woman who yearns to have her heart open and offer her vulnerability… how she truly feels. This work is completely retemplatizing my ancestral/maternal lineage around how women relate to men. Through Gillian’s transmission, I received the metrics, or codes, or a map, if you will, on how to really be in my true feminine heart. It resonates deeply ~ more than any teachings I’ve ever experienced in the past.

– Iryna

Oooooooh. It hurts me even to write this. As soon as my entitled, disrespectful words landed, I saw the life fall from his face. And yet… when he was getting sheets to sleep on the couch, I approached him and apologized for disrespecting him. I acknowledged the impact those (untrue) words had on him and really let him feel me. In the past this humility would not be possible for me, as I would instead sit in my victimhood and feelings of rightness and make him wrong. Honestly, these past few days we’ve been more connected than ever, despite his crazy schedule and my lack of sleep. I couldn’t have expanded this much without you, Gillian. A million thank you’s would not be enough.

– Isabella

This week has been a turning point in my feminine relating with men. I am seeing in a new light of respect, awe, and pride for who he is. I feel like cleaning up the kitchen the way he likes it, rather than my usual. With other men in my life, I am noticing how they respond to me ~ in a way that I feel heard, with stronger leadership, and it even feels like they hold a higher regard for me. This masculine attention is so new to me that I am actually having to work on taking it in, and acknowledging myself at these new heights. Thank you Gillian! Your work is nothing short of DIVINE. I bow to you in gratitude.

– Nila



All For Love:
Summer School

A Journey Into the Deep Feminine
& Exalted Masculine

Join over 120 women in a life-changing 3-Month Guided Online Journey


We begin 7.18 and Registration will remain open until 7.31! 


All For Love: The Summer School Edition is a 12-Week guided spiritual journey for women that will unlock the deep truth of your Creational Power as a Feminine Being in Love and in Life… incognito as a course on the internet ;) 


When does All For Love begin?

We begin 7.18! 

Over the following 3 months, you will then have access to 12 pre-recorded Teaching Transmissions and LIVE COMMUNITY INTEGRATION and COACHING CALLS WITH GILLIAN 

What does All For Love Summer School include? 
Summer School includes everything that was part of the flagship All For Love course:  (Plus a few new exciting elements!)
~ The recordings of the 12 Teaching Transmissions that were recorded from Feb-June inside of the flagship offering of All For Love.
~ Upcoming LIVE coaching and community integration calls with Gillian
~ Recorded and upcoming LIVE teaching transmissions of incredible Feminine practitioners (called "MistressClasses", these specialized practitioner transmissions are an All For Love favorite -- SO GOOD) 
~ The beautiful and rich field of content / writing / Q+A responses throughout All For Love 
~ A nearly unspeakably beautiful, succulent field of brilliant, 
highly-coded, Eros-drenched WOMEN 


What is the duration of All for Love Summer School?

All For Love Summer School is designed to be a highly practical, deeply mystical 3-month ride. The All For Love field will be open (and popping!) for 3 months!  

You will then have access to all the recordings until Valentine's Day, 2023 (February 14th), so that you may move through the content at a pace that feels most nourishing to your own system. 

A Free Invitation into FEM: Feminine Eros Membership!

All the ladies within All For Love will be invited into Gillian's new Membership Community (FEM: Feminine Eros Membership).
FEM has not yet been announced to the public and will be the perfect place to deepen into Livestream transmissions, teachings, and writing to supplement your All For Love Summer School journey.  Your membership to FEM will be included until October 31st, and will then be priced at $44/month, beginning in November. 


While journeying together inside of Summer School is deeply encouraged, you will also have all the content pieces to follow your own timing through the moonlit All For Love magic.  All content will be recorded and remain easily accessible until Valentine's Day 2023. 


Join All For Love


One Time Payment

3x $599

Monthly Payments

There is an extended payment plan option that we will offer upon request and/or unique circumstances.
Please reach out to for additional information. 

Community Integration and Q+A:
We will be flowing in special integration sessions to support you in your personal journey, relationship, and/or address questions that may be arising for you. This means that Gillian will be meeting you in LIVE coaching and integration sessions no matter where you are in the Summer School flow. 
These sessions will include Gillian's 'energetic heat-seeking missile' coaching spotlights.

Special Experiences inside of Summer School: 

You will be invited to magical Pop-Up "MistressClasses", embodiment rituals, and/or additional experiences and content that Gillian senses would be beautiful and/or nourishing activations for the field. This will include cameo appearances from some of the incredible women whose transmissions and/or embodiment frequencies have been meaningful for Gillian in her own journey.


While All For Love is designed to carry a deeply healing function for women (and their families), this content is activating. As a teacher and mentor, Gillian is deeply loving — and she will hold your sweet Feminine feet to the fires of purification in the name of LOVE.

If you have high unmetabolized trauma around men and the co-creational principle of "the Masculine", All For Love Summer School may truly be quite confronting and/or reflexively triggering for you. Please be sure you are appropriately resourced with loved ones and/or your own Jedi team of healers and counsel. 


Gillian will not rescue you from your rightful grief, remorse or lament.
She will love you in and through it… but Gillian will not spare you from this descent as this is a life-affirming aspect of your own Heroine's Journey of Remembrance and Feminine Awakening.


Please feel free to email our team should you have any specific questions.

Ready for a small taste of Gillian's field?

Join her highly-curated free Facebook Group: Feminine Eros with Gillian Pothier or check out her growing collection of 60+ essays.

"Thank God for this group. This is the most brilliant feminine frequency.

I can't believe how beautifully you've curated this group. To be in the field of Gillian and other devotionally templated women is such a joy".

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Curriculum Overview

While most Course Offering pages provide a detailed curriculum that describes each module and how it benefits you, this is a Feminine emergent process… and we don’t do that around here. ;) 
All For Love is a FEMININE JOURNEY, and there is no need for you to look ahead or get stuck in the mental gates of your thinking function.  
Instead, here is a sultry teeny lifting of the veils of the 3 ‘teaching pillars’ of All For Love.
(All of which is subject to change, of course…) 


The Flames of Purification: Eternal Feminine Innocence, The Root Shadow of Personal and Collective Feminine Disrespect, Spiritual Cockblocking,

The Metaphysics of Penetration, The Lifeforce of Feminine Receptivity,

The Instinct-Injured Feminine, The Lost Venusian Codex of Graciousness. 


The Art of Feminine Enchantment: The Mystical Service of Feminine Desire, The High Art of Muse Consciousness, The Creational Power of Feminine Allure, Circulating the Light of the Masculine, The 2 Pillars of Artful Feminine Communication, Cosmic Sugar Babies, Flirting vs. Playing with your Eros.


The Homecoming: Devotion to Self and the Feminine (Filling your Golden Chalice), Devotion to God and to Life, God Trauma and the Holy Father, Devotion to Imperfect Men and the Masculine), Golden Cock Worship, Serving the Masculine, Receiving Devotional Love from Imperfect Men, Mystical Electro-Magnetic Polarity. 


Are You Addicted to Your Own Unhappiness?

There is a tipping point in the life of all women when we must choose.


We must either choose God or by default, we choose ego and pain body.  


We can become a ghost at the feast of LIFE, or we can let the succulent nectar of our own Feminine longing and reclamation run down our opened, velvet throats. 

Feminine pain-body is our addiction to unhappiness and to misery. 


The Feminine loves to feel…and misery is a huge feeling ride for her system. 


This is a tricky trap… because on one hand, we must feel to heal… and yet, so much of the high-octane, sensational feeling tone can be unconscious, and sometimes even ancestral.  


When you remain tangled in the ancestral nets of the wounded Feminine line and your anger or frustration towards men and the Masculine (aka: trauma or grief trapped in cellular memory), your 'painbody' feeds on these archaic stories (even if they are 'factual').


And sadly, if you don’t interrupt the ride: 


It will rot you from the inside out. 


Your playful enchantment will grow cold and harden.

Your radiant beauty will sour. 


Your eyes – once bright like Spring – will become dull with half-heartedness. 


Your social posts and stories will become increasingly bitter. (I see this happen in real time… it is heart-breaking to witness.) 


Your painbody will engorge and grow to overshadow your radiance, innocence  and beauty. 

It may not always feel like it (Hello there, painbody distortion…), but
you truly have CHOICE.


You can choose the path of Feminine Eros and Reclamation. 


It is a path of Faith… and it is a path that paradoxically both honors and detonates your pain. 


It's a grief walk to the Truth of your heart.... and a tear-stained path to LOVE.




You can choose the path of addiction to your unhappiness, your ego, and your victimhood.


This is a path of resignation and aloneness –  pretending that you are better off without a man, whether you are married or single. 


It is a sorrow-filled walk inside a lie engineered to make us feel safe...


And it leads to bitterness, apathy, anorexic Eros, and loneliness.

You can choose the path of staying right where you are…. but I sadly promise you, these gardens will only ever remain gray. 

All For Love is a path back home to the Remembrance of your Deep Feminine and Devotional Love.

Here is my promise to you, Beauty:

…in All For Love Summer School, you will be in the company of other courageous, committed women who will support and encourage you toward experiencing the fullness of your Love and the eternal beauty of your Devotion.


…There are aspects within this journey that may feel edgy and confronting.


And yet, held within the center point of this journey are harmonics of deep joy, playfulness, beauty, and a return to the true nature of our eternal Feminine innocence.


…You will begin to peek into the blossoming gardens of feeling besotted in RESPECT & LOVE for Men + the Masculine.


…Your understanding of the BEAUTY and POTENCY of the co-creative principle of "the Masculine" will be transformed. (Wooooohooooo!) 


…Your heart and your Feminine Soul will be gently, fervently, devotionally opened to Love like you have never known before. (My FAVORITE thing in all the lands!)

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More About Gillian

GILLIAN POTHIER, M.A.…is a writer and the founder of Feminine Eros,

a path and vehicle of Feminine Awakening.


After several years of what may be best described as a mystical thrashing, Gillian now rests in the soul truth of her devotion to the Masculine --

in order to best catalyze and serve the journey of Feminine Awakening.


Gillian is here to teach women how to understand, respect and love imperfect Mortal Men and the Cosmic Masculine so that they may create lusciously devotional yet highly functional partnerships with unapologetically Masculine men. 


Years of working with amazing, diverse clients from around the world confirm Gillian's belief that devotional love with a Masculine man is one of the innermost, eternal longings of the Feminine heart ~ and is also one of the most primordial access points to a woman's own Awakening journey.


Gillian's writing, podcasts, and live teaching transmissions are often deeply polarizing and activating experiences.


She holds a Masters Degree in Depth Psychology from the world-renowned Pacifica Graduate Institute. The archetypal lens of Jungian / Depth psychology, especially in relationship to Masculine and Feminine aspects of the psyche are a deep and beautiful influence on the way Gillian regards and meets the wholeness of the human Soul.


It is Gillian's joy and greatest service to humanity to mirror and awaken the deeply Feminine-Essenced Ones to their true nature as the quintessence of Devotion and Love.


Join Gillian on the All For Love ride of a lifetime

©2022 Gillian Pothier   |  Contact

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