There is a way
that I wish women
who so fiercely decree
that 'its not a man's job to heal a woman'
that while this is 'true',
there is a depth of healing that ONLY a man
and the heart that throbs inside his sex
can create for a woman.
And should She choose
to transcend this 'correctness'
and (dare to) open to receive the obliterative penetration of His Light,
And even more stunningly,
this long arm of time
reaches through her woman-body
to the places within her that are
(yes) little girl....tiny infant....microscopic embryo....
as these far-flung places
of almost unbearable youngness
are HER.
(In this very moment of pure, story-less Now,
these tender biologic Feminine fledglings
dwell inside the same psycho-erotic trinity as her Woman:
ie: her system, her psyche and her sex.)
Women who have not received this anointing
misunderstand + malign
(so many things)
but I think,
most especially and perhaps sadly,
the lived experience of the primordial alchemy of the
Co-Creational Principle of the Masculine:
(Masculine) Man BIRTHS (Feminine) Woman.
There is a deeper magic, even still:
There are Ancient Souled men
anchored in the non-egoic truth
and supernatural power
of His consciousness and His cock
who can reach beyond Woman...
and little girl and infant and embryo...
and through His Making of Love and the depth
of His spiritual and sexual penetration
(which cannot be separated at this level of alchemy),
HE heals the Feminine through HER.
As She lies in the Kingdom
of His Consciousness,
splayed open in ecstasy and Remembrance,
through her emptiness,
a mystical erotic epigenetic healing occurs.
She becomes the I AM quintessence of
"She who has been healed by HIM.”
And in these simultaneous dimensions of consciousness,
Her blood and spiritual Mother/s and GrandMother/s are healed through Her ~
There is a Soul Essence lineage of women on this planet who are divinely time-stamped
to re-member
that the only way She can be fully awakened into ‘The Feminine' is to be birthed
by the Mortal Masculine.
It is irrevocably etched in Her Goldprint
to receive the spiritual patterning of HIM
All The Way Through:
far beyond the mental gates....
beyond flesh and even psyche........
to the place of Soul.
Here, God becomes Sex.
(Sex becomes God.)
As Her woman-body convulses and dies
one thousand deaths of ecstatic 'dissolutio'.....
or in a moment of top-shelf creational delight,
He releases, fattened and heavy with seed in swollen stillness inside of Her.
The mystically-endowed tissues
of vulva and pussy and womb rejoice,
suckling on the insemination of His Consciousness:
a truly divine, carnal fractal of Heaven on Earth.
Here, She becomes the sacred No-thing....
the ALCHEMY itself.
Not through 'doing', but by Being
One of the supreme
Sky-Dancing emanations of the Feminine,
rejoicing in the ecstatic, creational, obliterative
Receiving of Him.
Through Him,
SHE heals. The original post on Facebook can be found here.